Unknow Risk of Unkonw suppliers
Before placing order to the unknown factory or supplier , there are many queries about the factory or supplier and not sure about whether they are real existing factory or supplier, or just a trader or a broker, client are not sure whether they are reliable and worth of trust , and what is their scale ,etc ,there are many questions need to be check , but due to far location, language and time difference, it is inconvenient to talk to the supplier and factory , thus we present this basic service of supplier and factory verification over telephone which is free of charge .
Reducing Risk By Investigating and Vefifying Suppliers through various means
Through supplier and factory verification over telephone , we may help client to double check their basic information , such as their scale , production capacity , business license , where they are located , how many staff , how many square meters their building covers , their major customers and exporting area and exporting experience .
Benefit from Simple Supplier Verification over Tell
With these basic information clients get from us over telephone checking and verification , client may decide whether they need to have a further supplier audit and factory visit to get all full information through on site checking and verification , thus save the cost and pay only for supplier audit and factory visit on site , and then place order to the supplier after all is confirmed , client would have much more faith in the further step .